Thai Education Visa: Studying in Thailand Guide

If you’re thinking about studying, training or doing anything education related in Thailand, then you’ll need the Thai Education Visa. This guide covers everything you need to know about it. You’ll learn about who can apply, how to apply, what you need, the costs involved, and much more. Whether you are thinking of joining a university program, language school, or any other place to learn in Thailand, this guide is sure to help, so continue reading!

Education Visa: Vital Highlights

  • The Thailand Education Visa lets you stay up to a year in total.
  • Some people must apply for the ED Visa in their home country at a Thai Embassy or Consulate outside of Thailand.
  • It usually takes 4-5 days to process the Non-Immigrant ED Visa. Processing times could be faster or longer depending on a range of factors.
  • Visa holders must let Thai immigration know where they’re living every 90 days on this visa.
  • If you want to leave Thailand and come back, you need a multiple entry visa or a re-entry permit.

Thai Education Visa: What, Why & Who Needs One

The Thai Education Visa is for students over the age of 12 years old who would like to study in Thailand. Talking of studying, it essentially lets you study at Thai schools, universities, language schools, sports schools and academies. Other use cases may be joining seminars and doing approved internships. If accepted visa holders will be given an initial stay time of 90 days. You may be thinking but my educational course is longer than 90 days. Do not panic, it is extendable for up to a year. Before the 90 days is up, you have to extend it at a local immigration office to the full duration required, check out the below section for more detailed information on this. Take note of the fact that the length of your Thai Education Visa will depend on your specific course type, subject and level. For example, they will not issue a 12 month visa for a 90 day course.

On the other side of the coin, there may be a minimum study time required to get the visa. For example 1 hour per month of study will likely not be enough. So you should check the requirements first. Most educational institutions know the requirements and there programs will usually meet the required study time. Nevertheless, it is something to keep in mind. There are numerous advantages of the Thai Education Visa and it can be an amazing experience to learn new skills whilst living like a Thai. You will be able too mix with locals sharing cultures and experiences. Here are some other things to consider.

Single vs. Multiple Entry Visas

Before applying you should know about the two types. These are single and multiple entry visas. Firstly. we will cover the multiple entry and then the single entry which ties in well with the next section which is about Re-entry permits.

Multiple Entry Visas

A Multiple Entry visa will allow you multiple entrances into Thailand over borders. However, it may be more difficult to obtain than a single entry. As you may have to give information to support your reasons for wanting to leave Thailand more often.

Single Entry Visas

For those with a Thai education visa which is a single entry visa. You can only enter one time on this visa. In order to leave and then re-enter on the same visa. You will need a re-entry permit also known as a re-entry stamp. Which we will cover in the next section. It is important to remember the re-entry permit as leaving will automatically cancel your visa when you leave the country. This could cause you massive problems in terms of coming back in and also having to reapply.

Re-entry Permits

The re-entry permit or stamp, allows you to go and come back on the same visa. You may be able to get a multiple or a single re-entry permit. The Single re-entry permit will allow for one exit and one re-entry in to Thailand. On the other hand, a multiple re-entry permit will let you come and go more than once during your visa’s time. A single permit costs 1,000 Thai Baht, and a multiple costs 3,800 Thai Baht. The re-entry stamp can be obtained from an immigration officer near you or at an immigration checkpoint at some border crossings and airports.

Next we will move on to edibility and requirements, but first it is important to stress that the Thai Study Visa shouldn’t be used to live and/or work in Thailand. You must be a serious student and be able to demonstrate that you are really studying in an official education setting.

Work Restrictions for Thai Education Visa Holders

Remember that you can’t do paid or unpaid work in Thailand on this visa, this includes volunteering in Thailand. Additionally, you can not do any remote or online work, even if it is for a foreign company or person. Breaking these rules could bring with it big legal trouble, so stay within these lines.

Age Requirements for Thai Education Visa

As mentioned previously the Thailand Education Visa, is open to those aged 12 or above. However, we have not mentioned that at the time of writing, there is no maximum age for this visa. As long as you meet the enrollment rules of the educational institution, anyone, from teenagers to retirees, can use it.

Eligibility for the Thai Education Visa

To obtain a Thai Education Visa (ED Visa), firstly, you must be officially enrolled in a full-time academic program at a Thai institution approved by the government. Secondly, remember that demonstrating sufficient financial resources to cover your living and tuition expenses is crucial. Finally, good health and a clean criminal record are standard requirements. However, eligibility can vary depending on factors such as nationality, the specific type of study, and the duration of the program. Additionally, other conditions, like age restrictions or financial guarantees, might apply in certain cases. Therefore, It’s essential to verify the precise requirements with the Thai embassy or consulate in your home country, as well as the educational institution you plan to attend.

Documentation Requirements for the Thai Study Visa

Compiling the necessary paperwork for a Thai Study Visa (ED Visa) is a crucial step in your application process. While the specific documents may vary based on individual circumstances, such as nationality or the type of educational institution, a standard set of requirements typically applies. The essential documents often include:

  • A valid passport with sufficient validity and blank pages
  • A completed visa application form with a recent passport-sized photo (prepare more than one, just in case)
  • A letter of acceptance from the educational institution in Thailand
  • Proof of financial capability (bank statements, etc.)
  • A medical certificate (may be required)
  • Academic transcripts (may be required)
  • A police clearance certificate (may be required)

It’s important to note that additional documentation, such as academic transcripts, proof of enrollment, or letters of sponsorship, could be required at the discretion of the embassy or consulate. To ensure accuracy and avoid potential delays, applicants should diligently verify the precise documentation needs with the relevant Thai embassy or consulate before submitting their application. Or ask your education provider for help, as this is normally included in their service.

Financial Requirements

Besides the paperwork, you also need to show you have enough money for your stay. Unfortunately there is no fixed minimum balance. Financial Requirements for a Thai Education Visa (ED Visa). However, you will typically need to demonstrate sufficient financial resources to support yourself during your studies in Thailand. When thinking about how much you need and preparing the funds, you should consider:

  • Tuition fees: The cost of your chosen course.
  • Living expenses: Accommodation, food, transportation, and other daily costs.
  • Healthcare: Potential medical expenses. (Proof of insurance could also help your application)

To get a more accurate estimate of the amount of funds we recommend the following three steps.

  1. Research living costs: Look into the cost of living in the city where you’ll be studying.
  2. Contact your educational institution: They might provide guidance on financial requirements.
  3. Consult the Thai embassy or consulate: They can offer specific advice for your situation.

Remember though, It’s always better to have more than you think you’ll need. As demonstrating a solid financial foundation will increase your chances of getting visa approval. The amount of money you’ll need to demonstrate for a Thai Education Visa could also vary significantly based on several factors. These factors include the length of your stay in Thailand, as if you stay longer, you will probably need more money. Furthermore, Your planned lifestyle, including accommodation, food, and transportation choices, will influence the necessary amount. Additionally, some educational institutions may have specific financial guidelines or recommendations for international students. Finally, the specific embassy or consulate processing your visa application may have varying expectations regarding financial proof.

Financial Proof

To obtain a Thai Education Visa, you will typically need to demonstrate sufficient financial resources to support yourself during your studies in Thailand. Some common requirements which can be used as financial proof include but are not limited to:

  • Bank statements: These should show a balance sufficient for your living expenses and tuition fees. The specific amount required can vary depending on the embassy or consulate, where you apply.  
  • Sponsorship letters: If you are sponsored by a family member or other individual, a sponsorship letter along with proof of their financial capability might be required.  
  • Proof of tuition fee payment: Evidence that you have paid or arranged to pay your tuition fees might be necessary.

It’s important to reiterate the fact that these are general guidelines and the specific financial requirements can vary depending on factors like your nationality, the length of your stay, and the type of educational institution you will be attending. Before we move on to the application process, we will check out how much the ED visa costs.

ED Visa Costs

The cost of obtaining an ED visa primarily consists of a government fee, typically around 2,000 Thai Baht, which is paid to the Thai government for issuing the visa. Additionally, there might be service fees charged by visa agencies or intermediaries if you choose to use their services. These fees can vary significantly based on the level of assistance provided. It’s essential to remember that while the government fee is mandatory, service fees are optional, and you can apply directly through the Thai embassy or consulate to avoid them. Some educational institutions might also include visa assistance in their tuition packages. It may be beneficial to use a service as they are experts and have walked this road before. Also consider that there may be other charges related to extending the visa to the full term. So let’s move on to the application process.

Applying for the Thai Education Visa

To apply for a Thai ED Visa, start by contacting your education provider and your nearest Thai Embassy or Consulate. They will confirm and provide the information and documentation you will need. Furthermore they will also provide more specific details on how to apply, make appointments, and pay the visa fee. As these steps can differ based on your location, so it’s key to ask about local details so they apply to you.

Application Process Step by Step

Applying for a Thai Education Visa (ED Visa) involves several steps and requires specific documentation. The core of the process includes:  

  1. Gathering necessary documents: This typically involves your passport, passport-sized photos, a completed visa application form, a letter of acceptance from your Thai educational institution, proof of financial capability, and potentially a medical certificate.  
  2. Submitting the application: You’ll need to submit your completed application and required documents to the Thai embassy or consulate in your home country.  
  3. Paying the visa fee: There’s a government-mandated fee for the visa, which is usually around 2,000 Thai Baht.  
  4. Waiting for approval: The visa processing time can vary, so it’s essential to apply well in advance of your intended travel date.

Please note that you or some other applicants might have or might opt to use visa services for assistance, which often involves additional fees. They may also have a different process.

Submitting the Application

You have two main options for applying for a Thai Education Visa: within Thailand or from abroad. Applying within Thailand is generally faster and more convenient, as you can often extend your visa directly without leaving the country. Although, not everyone can apply from within Thailand, there are different rules when it comes to nationality, current visa before trying to switch visas etc. Be sure to check first and make sure you avoid overstaying your current visa both before and during switching. The entire visa application process could be long, from start to finish, so it’s advisable to apply well before your intended arrival date in Thailand. Once your visa is approved, you have 90 days to enter the country, in order to activate the visa.

After Receiving the Thai Education Visa

After you get your Thai Education Visa, your work does not end there. You need to know about the specific reporting rules and extension rules. Before starting with the reporting requirements. here is a breakdown of the information regarding reporting and extensions.

  • Initial visa: 90 days
  • Extensions: Up to 5 extensions
  • First extension: 30 days
  • Subsequent extensions: 60 or 90 days (depending on immigration officer’s discretion)
  • Total stay: Up to 12 months
  • Cost per extension: 1,900 baht
  • Failure to convince immigration officer of studying progress: May result in a shorter extension period or a request to leave the country
  • 90-day report: Required every 90 days after the initial 90-day visa period
  • Fine for late 90-day report: 2,000 baht

Reporting Requirements (90 Day Report)

You must report your address every 90 days (90 Day Report), this rule applies to all foreign nationals who are on long term visas. If you do not following this rule it could lead to a fine of about 2,000 Thai Baht for a late report and then could escalate. Top tip of the day, remember to set reminders in your calendar and on your phone, so you do not forget.

What is a 90-day report?

A 90-day report is a notification to Thai immigration authorities that you are still residing in the country. It’s a mandatory requirement for most long-term visas, including the Education Visa (ED visa). This ensures that immigration officials have a record of your whereabouts and can track your activities while in Thailand.

When is the first 90-day report due?

Your initial 90-day report is due after your initial 90-day visa period expires. For instance, if your initial visa ends on June 30th, you must file your first report by September 29th.

How often do you need to file 90-day reports?

Once you’ve submitted your initial report, you’ll need to file subsequent reports every 90 days. This means that if your first report is due on September 29th, your second report will be due on December 28th, and so on.

Where can you file a 90-day report?

Typically, you can file your 90-day report at any immigration office in Thailand. However, some areas may offer online filing options. It’s advisable to check the Thai immigration website for the most current information and specific procedures.

What happens if you miss the deadline for a 90-day report?

Failing to submit your 90-day report on time can result in a fine. The exact amount of the fine may vary, so it’s important to adhere to the specified deadlines.

90 Day Report Top Tips

  • Keep a copy of your 90-day report: This can be helpful in case you need to provide proof of your compliance with immigration regulations.
  • Check the immigration website regularly: Immigration policies can change, so it’s essential to stay updated on the latest requirements.
  • Consider using a visa agent: If you’re unsure about the process or want assistance with filing your reports, you can hire a visa agent.

Extending Your Thai Education Visa

If you want to stay in Thailand past the 90 days your Thai Education Visa allows, you can ask for extensions. You should give the officials all the necessary papers, like a valid passport. Also, include a filled-out visa extension form and a letter from your school. This extension can last up to one year from when you first arrived, letting you stay on for more studies. Remember extensions may not always be guaranteed. Here is a snapshot of the requirements and details.

Extension RequirementDetails
Validity of Initial ED Visa90 days
Maximum Extensions5 times
Total Duration of ED Visa12 months
Extension Fee1,900 Thai Baht per extension
90-Day Report Fine2,000 Thai Baht if filed more than 7 days late

Extension Requirements

To get more time on your Thai ED Visa, there are a few things you must have:

  • Valid passport with at least 6 months remaining before expiration
  • Completed visa extension application form (TM.7)
  • Letter of acceptance or enrollment from your Thai educational institution
  • Proof of financial support, such as a bank statement or scholarship documents
  • A recent passport-sized photograph
  • The required extension fee of 1,900 Thai Baht

Extension Process

Here’s what you need to do for a Thai Education Visa extension:

  1. Collect all the items listed in the “Extension Requirements” section.
  2. Hand in your visa extension application and supporting paperwork at the Thai Immigration Department. You can do this by yourself or with someone’s help.
  3. Don’t forget to pay the 1,900 Thai Baht extension fee.
  4. Wait for 2-3 weeks for your application to process.
  5. When you’re approved, you’ll get a longer Thai Education Visa. This lets you stay in Thailand for more school time.


To conclude the Thai Education Visa (ED visa) is a valuable tool for those seeking to study in Thailand. Whether you’re pursuing a language course, a vocational program, or a degree, this visa provides the necessary framework for your academic journey. Remember that compliance with immigration regulations, such as the 90-day reporting and extension requirements, are essential for a hassle-free stay. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can successfully obtain and maintain your Thai Education Visa, making the most of your educational experience in the Kingdom of Thailand. We hope this was helpful please let us know below, much appreciated!!


What is the Thai Education Visa?

The Thai Education Visa is for students aged 12 and over. It allows students to study in Thailand. You can study, learn in seminars, do training, or intern.

Who is eligible for the Thai Education Visa?

To get the visa, you must be studying at a recognized Thai educational organization and meet other criteria. You need certain documents, check out our article for the full list.

What are the requirements for the Thai Education Visa?

You need to show several documents. These include a passport, filled visa form, photos, and a school acceptance letter. You must also show you have enough money for your stay.

How do I apply for the Thai Education Visa?

To apply, get in touch with your closest Thai Embassy or Consulate. They will tell you what documents you need. Then you can apply.

How long does it take to process a Thai Education Visa?

Getting the visa usually takes 4 to 10 working days. But, the time might change based on the Embassy or Consulate.

What are the fees for the Thai Education Visa?

The fee for the visa is 2,000 Thai Baht. That’s around or €60.

What are the requirements for staying in Thailand with a Thai Education Visa?

All long-term visitors in Thailand, no matter the visa, should update their address with the Immigration Department every 90 days. Forgetting to do this can lead to a fine.

Can I extend my Thai Education Visa?

Yes, you can extend your visa if needed. This extension allows you to stay up to one year in Thailand after your first entry.

Can I leave and re-enter Thailand while holding a Thai Education Visa?

Yes, you can leave Thailand during your visa’s time. Just remember to get a re-entry permit if you are on a single entry visa or get a multiple entry visa.

Can I work while holding a Thai Education Visa?

No, you cannot do paid or unpaid work while you have this visa. Whether it’s a full-time or part-time job, or even working remotely, is not allowed.

Is there an age limit for the Thai Education Visa?

The visa is open to those 12 and above. There’s no maximum age as long as you meet the school enrollment requirements.

What types of educational programs can I pursue with a Thai Education Visa?

There are many programs you can join with this visa. This includes university, school, and special courses like learning a new language, martial arts, or cooking.

Can I convert my Thai Education Visa to another visa category?

In some cases, you can switch your visa if you’re staying longer and meet the new visa’s requirements. Visit the Thai Immigration Department to ask if you can.

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