Smart Visa Thailand: Work & Live in the Kingdom

In 2018, Thailand started the “Thailand SMART Visa” program. It aims to bring in experts, investors, executives, and startups. These people are for Thailand’s important industries known as the “S-Curve” industries. The SMART Visa program boosts Thailand’s place in the world economy. It attracts talented people and investment.

The Thailand SMART Visa gives a special chance to those looking to make a difference. If you are skilled, want to invest, run a big business, or start your own, there’s a fit for you in this program.

Key Takeaways

  • The Thailand SMART Visa program was launched in 2018 to attract global talent and investment to the country.
  • The visa program targets individuals in 13 “S-Curve” or “Targeted” industries, including next-generation automotive, smart electronics, and medical hub.
  • There are four main types of SMART Visas: Talent (T), Investor (I), Executive (E), and Startup (S).
  • Minimum salary and investment requirements range from ฿100,000 to ฿200,000 per month and ฿5 million to ฿20 million, respectively.
  • SMART Visa holders can enjoy benefits such as a 4-year residency, no work permit requirement, and simplified immigration procedures.

What is Smart Visa Thailand?

The Smart Visa Thailand is a unique visa program made by the Thai government. It aims to bring skilled workers, investors, top managers, and startup owners to Thailand. The goal is to boost Thailand’s global competition by attracting talent in specific industries like next-gen cars, smart electronics, and more.

Thailand’s New Visa Program to Attract Global Talent

The Smart Visa program started in February 2018. It offers many perks like visas lasting up to 4 years, no need for a work permit, and simpler yearly updates. This visa is part of Thailand’s plan to become a center for new ideas and tech. It wants to bring in people and investments to grow its economy.

Purpose and Benefits of the Smart Visa Initiative

The Smart Visa targets making Thailand a top player in key industries by inviting skilled workers, investors, and entrepreneurs. It comes with several advantages:

  • Visas that last up to 4 years, offering stability for participants
  • No work permit needed, making it easier for skilled foreigners
  • Less reporting, only needing an annual update instead of every 90 days
  • Family can also get visas and permits
  • It’s easier to apply through the special Smart Visa Unit at the Board of Investment

The program aims to make Thailand more attractive for top talent, investors, and entrepreneurs. It hopes to spur innovation and growth in important industries.

Targeted Industries for Smart Visa

The Smart Visa Thailand program aims to bring global talent and investment into 10 key industries. Called “S-Curve” industries, they are areas where Thailand sees major growth. These sectors involve new technologies and innovations.

S-Curve and Emerging Tech Fields

Under the program, you’ll find industries like next-gen automotive, smart electronics, and medical tourism. Also, there’s a focus on agriculture, biotech, and future foods. Other areas are automation, aviation, digital tech, and medical centers. These fields show Thailand’s goal to excel in new, promising industries.

Key Sectors Targeted

The smart visa thailand targeted industries draw talent and investment to sectors like:

  • Automation and Robotics – Boosting Thailand’s manufacturing power
  • Digital Technology – Leading digital innovation and change
  • Aviation and Logistics – Making Thailand a transport hub
  • Medical and Healthcare – Enhancing health and medical tourism

This focus from the Smart Visa widens Thailand’s tech and innovation drive. It’s part of making the country’s economy more advanced and tech-centric.

“The Smart Visa program is a strategic move by Thailand to attract global talent and investment in key industries that will shape the future of our economy.”

Types of Smart Visa

The Smart Visa Thailand program has four main types. Each one welcomes different people. These visas aim to bring global talent, investors, executives, and startup entrepreneurs to Thailand. They help boost the country’s economy and important industries.

Smart T – For Highly-Skilled Talents and Experts

The Smart T visa is for highly-skilled international professionals, experts, and specialists. It’s for those who can help grow Thailand’s targeted industries. To apply, you need to earn a certain salary each month and have support from Thai government agencies.

Smart I – For Investors in Targeted Industries

The Smart I visa welcomes foreign investors. It’s for those ready to invest in Thailand’s key areas like automation, digital tech, aviation, and medical technology. You must invest a minimum amount in certified companies or projects to be eligible.

Smart E – For Senior Executives of Tech Companies

The Smart E visa targets senior tech company executives. It’s for those overseeing their company’s Thai operations. You need to be in a top management role and meet the government’s defined requirements.

Smart S – For Startup Entrepreneurs and Founders

The Smart S visa aims at foreign tech startup entrepreneurs and founders. It helps them establish or grow their businesses in Thailand. You should have an innovative business idea and support from relevant Thai agencies to apply.

Each Smart Visa type has its own benefits and demands. They match the needs of different global talents, investors, executives, and startup founders. The main goal of the Smart Visa program is to draw in skilled people. These people can help innovate and grow Thailand’s economy and tech scene.

Smart Visa CategoryTargeted ApplicantsKey Requirements
Smart THighly-skilled talents and expertsMinimum monthly salary, endorsement from relevant Thai agencies
Smart IForeign investors in targeted industriesMinimum investment threshold in certified companies
Smart ESenior executives of tech companiesSenior management position, endorsement from Thai government
Smart SStartup entrepreneurs and foundersQualified and innovative business idea, endorsement from Thai agencies

Thailand’s Smart Visa options meet the various needs of a wide range of professionals and entrepreneurs. By focusing on specific industries and skills, Thailand is inviting expertise. The country aims to push its economic and tech growth forward with these tailored smart visa categories.

Requirements for Smart T (Talent) Visa

Are you a highly-skilled professional eager to work in Thailand’s growing sectors? The Smart T (Talent) Visa might just be what you need. To get this visa, you must meet some important criteria:

  1. You need a monthly income equal to or greater than 100,000 Thai Baht (roughly $3,000 USD).
  2. For retired experts or those working in a startup, the monthly earning can be 50,000 Thai Baht (about $1,500 USD).
  3. You have to get an endorsement from certain Thai government agencies. This includes the Board of Investment (BOI) or Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA).
  4. It’s also necessary to have a clean criminal record and a valid health certificate.
  5. You must show you have enough money in your bank to support yourself while in Thailand.
Monthly IncomeAt least 100,000 Thai Baht (around $3,000 USD) or 50,000 Thai Baht (around $1,500 USD) for retired experts and startup company employees
EndorsementFrom a relevant Thai government agency like BOI or DEPA
Criminal RecordClean criminal record
Health CertificateValid health certificate
Bank AccountSufficient funds to cover your stay in Thailand

If you meet these standards, you’re halfway there to getting the Smart T Visa. This visa comes with great perks. You’ll enjoy a longer visa length, not need a work permit, and deal with simpler rules for reporting.

“The Thailand SMART Visa program has been a game-changer for attracting top talent to our dynamic industries. It’s a win-win for both skilled professionals and our nation’s growth.”

– Thai Government Official

Smart Visa Thailand

The Smart Visa Thailand program is changing the game for those wanting to live and work in Thailand. It has different types such as the Smart T (Talent) Visa which needs a 200,000 Thai baht monthly salary and a year of job contract.

The Smart E (Executive) Visa is for top-level managers. They should have a bachelor’s degree, over 10 years of experience, and earn at least 200,000 Thai baht each month.

Anyone looking into the Smart I Visa needs to invest at least 20 million Thai baht in certain technology-based companies over a certain time.

Endorsement from Relevant Thai Government Agencies

Getting the right support from Thai government offices is key in applying for a Smart Visa. The needs for each visa type can be different:

  • Smart T (Talent) Visa: Needs an endorsement from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation (MHESI)
  • Smart I (Investor) Visa: Must have an endorsement from either the Board of Investment (BOI) or the Department of Business Development (DBD)
  • Smart E (Executive) Visa: Requires an endorsement from the Ministry of Labour
  • Smart S (Startup) Visa: Must be backed by the National Innovation Agency (NIA) or other selected government bodies

The endorsement part makes sure that applicants really fit the visa requirements. It helps ensure they will add to the industries and development goals set by Thailand.

Smart Visa CategoryMinimum SalaryMinimum InvestmentEndorsement Agency
Smart T (Talent)200,000 THB/monthN/AMinistry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation (MHESI)
Smart I (Investor)N/A20 million THBBoard of Investment (BOI) or Department of Business Development (DBD)
Smart E (Executive)200,000 THB/monthN/AMinistry of Labour
Smart S (Startup)N/A600,000 THB fixed depositNational Innovation Agency (NIA) or participating government agencies

“The Smart Visa program in Thailand is a strategic initiative to attract global talent and investment, driving the country’s economic growth and innovation.”

By satisfying the smart visa thailand requirements, you can access the advantages of this impressive program. You also support Thailand as it becomes a leading center for technology, innovation, and investment.

Requirements for Smart I (Investor) Visa

The Smart I (Investor) Visa aims to bring investors to Thailand’s key industries. To get this visa, you need to invest a certain amount and meet other rules. Let’s look at what it takes to get a Smart I Visa.

Minimum Investment Thresholds

The big thing you need for a Smart I Visa is to invest in a Thai business. Here are the investment amounts required:

  • Put at least 20 million Thai Baht (about $600,000 USD) into a tech business in Thailand. This can be direct or through a venture capital group.
  • Invest 5 million Thai Baht (around $150,000 USD) in a startup or accelerator program that Thai government agencies support.

These amounts show that applicants are serious about helping Thailand’s business and economy grow.

Investment Verification and Approval

Getting a Smart I Visa means getting your investments checked and approved by Thai agencies. The process usually takes about 30 days.

After your investments are verified, you can apply for the Smart I Visa at certain locations within 60 days. These places include Thai embassies, consulates, or immigration offices.

The fee for processing the Smart I Visa is 10,000 Thai Baht (around $300 USD) for each year of your visa. You need to pay this in cash.

Requirements for Smart E (Executive) Visa

The Smart Visa program in Thailand offers the Smart E Visa for top leaders and managers. This is for those working in specific industries. Applicants need to meet some key criteria for this visa. These include a high salary, work experience, and a clean background.

  • Minimum monthly salary of 200,000 Thai Baht (about $6,000 USD)
  • At least 10 years of work experience in the relevant field
  • Endorsement from the relevant Thai government agency overseeing the applicant’s industry sector
  • Clean criminal background record
  • Comprehensive health insurance coverage for the duration of stay
  • Ability to demonstrate sufficient financial means to support themselves and any dependents during their stay in Thailand

The Smart E Visa can be used for up to 2 years and extended. It is different from the Smart T and I visas. These require a certain investment, while the E Visa doesn’t. Still, you must hold a senior or managerial job in one of the 10 specified industries.

These sectors include Next-Generation Automotive, Smart Electronics, Biofuels and Biochemicals, and Medical Hub.

Minimum Monthly Salary200,000 Thai Baht (approximately $6,000 USD)
Work ExperienceAt least 10 years in the relevant field
Government EndorsementFrom the relevant Thai agency overseeing the industry sector
Criminal BackgroundClean record
Health InsuranceComprehensive coverage for the duration of stay
Financial MeansAbility to demonstrate sufficient funds to support self and dependents

Holders of the Smart E Visa do not need an additional work permit in Thailand. They can also bring their family under the Dependent category. This makes it an attractive choice for leaders wanting to be part of Thailand’s growing industries.

Application Process for Smart Visa

Applying for the Smart Visa in Thailand is straightforward yet detailed. First, you need to get your qualifications approved by the right authorities. Then, you can apply for the visa by submitting necessary documents.

Obtaining Qualification Endorsement from Authorities

The initial step is to have your skills and qualifications approved by government agencies. You’ll need to fill out an application and show documents that back your claim. This could include info on your education, work experience, or plans for investing or starting up a business.

The One-Stop Service (OSS) Center will check your application within 30 days. They’ll then let you and other involved parties know if you’ve passed this step. Getting this approval is important before moving forward with your Smart Visa application.

Submitting Visa Application and Required Documents

After you have your qualifications endorsed, your next task is to apply for the Smart Visa. Do this at a Thai embassy or consulate, whether in your home country or where you’re living now. Along with your application, you must include your passport, photos, and any other proof that supports your eligibility.

The Smart Visa comes with a fee of 10,000 Thai Baht per year of is suance. The time it takes to process your application can vary from 2 to 10 days, depending on where you apply.

If you need help with applying for the how to apply for smart visa thailand or any questions about the smart visa thailand application process, you can reach out to the Smart Visa unit. They’re located at the One-Stop Service Center for Visa and Work Permit in Bangkok.

“The SMART Visa program was launched on February 1, 2018, with the aim of attracting highly skilled manpower and investors to accelerate the development of Thailand’s 13 S-Curve industries.”

Benefits of Holding a Smart Visa

The Smart Visa Thailand is a top choice for people worldwide. This special visa helps global talents and investors work, live, and help Thailand’s economy grow.

Long Visa Validity Up to 4 Years

Smart Visa holders enjoy a visa that lasts up to 4 years. This means they can be in Thailand for a long time. They can get deep into its market and culture without worrying about frequent visa updates.

No Requirement for Separate Work Permit

One great thing about the Smart Visa is it does away with the need for a work permit. So, people can work in Thailand without dealing with extra paperwork. This simplifies getting started and working in the country.

Simplified Annual Reporting Instead of 90-day

Another perk is the easy once-a-year check-in, not every 90 days. This makes life simpler for Smart Visa holders. They can focus more on their careers and life in Thailand.

The benefits of smart visa thailand are clear. Features like longer visa length, no work permit requirement, and easier check-ins help those wanting to stay long-term in Thailand.

“The Smart Visa program is perfect for global talents and investors who want to add to Thailand’s growth. With its long visa validity, work permit waiver, and easy reporting, it’s a key for success in the Kingdom.”

Smart Visa for Dependents

The Smart Visa in Thailand is great for skilled workers and investors. It also helps their family members, including spouses and children. What benefits you get depends on the main applicant’s Smart Visa type.

Visa Options for Spouse and Children

If you’re a Smart Visa holder’s spouse or child, you can get a Smart Visa “O”. This lets you live in Thailand with the main holder. You can stay for as long as their visa is valid, which might be up to 4 years.

Work Permissions for Dependents

  • With some Smart Visa types, like Smart T and E visas, the spouse can work in Thailand without another permit.
  • For Investor and Startup visas, spouses and children might not get work rights automatically. But they can apply for a work permit.
  • Work rules for dependents change based on the main visa holder. So, check the rules and get the right approvals.
Smart Visa CategoryWork Permit for Dependent SpouseWork Permit for Dependent Children
Smart T (Talent)Eligible to work without a separate work permitNot eligible to work without a separate work permit
Smart I (Investor)Not automatically eligible, but can apply for a work permitNot eligible to work without a separate work permit
Smart E (Executive)Eligible to work without a separate work permitNot eligible to work without a separate work permit
Smart S (Startup)Not automatically eligible, but can apply for a work permitNot eligible to work without a separate work permit

Remember, these visa and work rules can change. Always talk to immigration experts or the right Thai for the newest info.

“The Smart Visa program in Thailand is a game-changer for global talent and their families, providing a seamless pathway to live, work, and thrive in the Kingdom’s vibrant economy.”

Extending and Renewing the Smart Visa

If you have Thailand’s Smart Visa, keeping it up to date is important. The good news is the process is easy if you plan ahead.

Renewing your visa requires applying for a new qualification endorsement at least 90 days before it expires. This is done through the Smart Visa Unit at the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI).

You’ll need to show that you still meet the Smart Visa’s conditions. This means proving you have the right investments or salary. After you apply, the Smart Visa Unit will check everything. If you’re in the clear, they’ll give you a new letter of endorsement.

With this new endorsement, you can then extend your Smart Visa at the Thai embassy or consulate in your area. It’s crucial to get this done before your current visa runs out.

Don’t forget to keep track of smart visa thailand renewal and smart visa thailand extension rules. Planning and applying early can keep your life in Thailand hassle-free.


The Smart Visa Thailand is aimed at bringing in skilled professionals, investors, leaders, and startup owners. It offers special visa types, longer visa periods, and simpler rules. This program wants to make Thailand more attractive and boost its economy in certain key fields.

It has visa options for different types of people, like in high-tech auto, tech, and health care. The Smart Visa allows for longer stays, doesn’t require work permits, and supports families. This makes it a great choice for those coming to work in Thailand from abroad.

Thailand is working hard to improve and highlight the benefits of the Smart Visa. It hopes to become a top spot for new ideas and progress. Bringing in top talents, the Smart Visa Thailand is key to Thailand’s economic development and its role as a leading global choice for talented professionals.


What is the Smart Visa Thailand program?

The Smart Visa Thailand is a new visa program that started in 2018. It aims to bring skilled professionals, investors, and entrepreneurs to Thailand. These people are encouraged to work and live in the Kingdom, boosting its economy. The program focuses on ten key industries that are growing fast.

What are the key benefits of the Smart Visa Thailand program?

This visa program has great perks. You can get a visa for up to 4 years. Plus, you don’t need a separate work permit. You also have to report less often, just once a year instead of every 90 days.

What are the targeted industries for the Smart Visa Thailand program?

The program wants to attract talent to Thailand’s top 10 industries. These industries are growing quickly and include areas like new automotive technology and smart electronics. Others are the medical and wellness field, agriculture, and digital technology.

What are the different types of Smart Visas available in Thailand?

There are four main Smart Visas. They are Smart T (Talent), Smart I (Investor), Smart E (Executive), and Smart S (Startup).

What are the requirements for the Smart T (Talent) Visa?

To get a Smart T (Talent) Visa, you need a certain salary and work experience. You also need a thumbs-up from Thai government departments.

What are the requirements for the Smart I (Investor) Visa?

For investors, there’s the Smart I (Investor) Visa. You need to invest a certain amount in approved companies to qualify.

What are the requirements for the Smart E (Executive) Visa?

Executives and managers in the target industries can aim for the Smart E (Executive) Visa. You must meet specific job, experience, and company criteria.

What is the application process for the Smart Visa Thailand?

Applying for the Smart Visa goes like this. First, get the green light from Thai government bodies. Then, file your visa application with the needed paperwork.

What are the benefits of holding a Smart Visa in Thailand?

Holding a Smart Visa in Thailand gets you a long visa, work permit exemption, and easier yearly reports. This is instead of the usual 90-day check-ins.

Can dependents of Smart Visa holders also apply for a visa?

Yes, dependent family members – like spouses and kids – can also get visas. What they can do and the benefits they get depends on the main visa holder’s type of Smart Visa.

How can I extend or renew my Smart Visa in Thailand?

To extend or renew your Smart Visa, start 90 days before your current one ends. Apply for a renewal through the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI).

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